

The mission of Kaizen is to eradicate pediatric cancer by delivering exceptional emotional and financial support to the children, families, researchers, and healthcare professionals associated with the Four Diamonds Fund.

Through unwavering dedication and compassion, Kaizen seeks to foster hope and healing by ensuring that these individuals receive the vital resources and assistance they need in their fight against cancer. By empowering families and supporting groundbreaking research, Kaizen is committed to making a profound impact in the battle against pediatric cancer, ultimately working towards a future where no child has to face this devastating disease.


Club Commander – Virginia Mulkey (vgm5092@psu.edu)

What We Do

Kaizen is a THON organization made up of Army ROTC cadets and friends. We work every year to raise money and awareness supporting pediatric cancer patients, their families, and the search for a cure. We meet weekly to keep up with fundraising efforts, events, and our paired THON family, the Goldsmiths. Our THON child and close friend, Seth Goldsmith, is a three time cancer survivor who has been in remission for over three years! Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Ruck for a Cure, a 24 hour ruck marathon around Beaver Stadium. Members of Kaizen pledge miles to raise money and are joined by the Penn State community, including members of ROTC and fitness programs, taking shifts rucking to cover the 24 hour period. Last year, we collectively rucked almost 1,500 miles and raised around $4000 For The Kids, hoping to continue increasing those numbers each year. Aside from fundraising events, we organize fun meet-ups with the Goldsmiths like going to Get Air (indoor trampoline park) and ice skating, building a strong THON community and family among our members. We finish the fundraising year by attending THON weekend together each February, to commemorate those we’ve lost and dance to celebrate life and the strength of our THON kids… all hoping to one day dance in celebration of a cure.

When cancer is cured, we will dance for joy. Until then, we will dance for life. If you would like to donate online to THON or are interested in more information be sure to check out www.thon.org.


Tuesdays at 1800 in 206 Wagner Building