Lions Guard
Our mission is to foster exceptional proficiency in Army drill and ceremony, empowering our cadets to cultivate the discipline, precision, and leadership skills that are essential for their development into well-rounded, future officers. By mastering these core competencies, we strive to instill in our cadets a profound sense of pride, responsibility, and camaraderie, while reinforcing the critical importance of teamwork in all aspects of military and personal success.
Beyond individual development, we are dedicated to enhancing the visibility and presence of Army ROTC within the Penn State community. Through our efforts, we aim to deepen the understanding and appreciation of the program’s core values and mission, while highlighting the vital role our cadets play in shaping the future of the U.S. Army. By doing so, we ensure that our program not only contributes to the growth of our cadets, but also to the continued strength and excellence of our nation’s military leadership.
Club Commander- Ian Melius (
What We Do
Each Lion’s Guard meeting provides instruction on various aspects of drill and ceremony such as color guard, rifle procedures, the saber arch, posting and retiring the Colors, and marching. Lessons are very interactive and allow cadets valuable in-depth practice of drill and ceremony that is not taught in the standard ROTC curriculum.
Lion’s Guard members are very active in the community. The club provides a color guard detail for many things such as Penn State football games and other PSU sporting events, State College High School football games, formal Army ROTC events, and various other ceremonies on campus and beyond.
Other highlights for Lion’s Guard include the tradition of guarding the Lion Shrine during the entirety of Penn State Homecoming Week, as well as an annual trip to Washington DC to witness the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and other historic landmarks.
Participating cadets can earn awards for their involvement in Lion’s Guard and can earn a special beret and cord for passing beret testing.
Lion’s Guard typically meets every Tuesday from 1730-1830 in the Armory behind the Wagner Building.